National Speaker and Author

Becky Kueker, nationally recognized speaker and Author, shares with her audiences her personal journey, a refreshing and humorous look at beginning a new life and facing the fear and anxiety associated with aging. She literally pulls the covers back exposing why she was Hiding in her Pajamas, how her marriage survived, as well as other issues surrounding the life-changing milestone of retirement.

A Professional Woman’s Journey to a Financially and Emotionally Healthy Retirement

Hiding in My Pajamas

A Professional Woman’s Journey to a
Financially and Emotionally Healthy Retirement

by Becky Kueker


After putting together a 25 year financial plan for retirement, and talking with hundreds of men and women around the U.S., Author Becky Kueker knows there are some nagging questions audiences have about their money and how to prepare for retirement. How do I know I am ready for retirement? What does it actually mean to close the door on your career? How do I handle the marital turbulence, emotional stereotypes, and financial challenges along the way? In this presentation that can be tailored specifically for the needs of your group—and the questions of the day—Becky will answer the questions she knows you have in this thought-provoking, but non-traditional, fun approach to planning for retirement. Becky is a nationally known speaker traveling around the U.S. providing presentations that relate to her personal journey. This presentation is a brutally candid look at a 25-year plan to retirement from a woman’s perspective.

To book Becky for a presentation, e-mail her at or call 314-322-3807.

IndieView with Becky Kueker, author of


The Back Flap

Becky Kueker thought she had it all, publishing a new book, Hiding in My Pajamas, three years ago, and launching a national speaking career traveling the country at 75. What more could you ask coming off a two year low after she retired struggling with the emotional stereotypes that deal with retirement and aging. It was not until a complicated surgery requiring six months in a wheelchair and endless rehab, turned her life in a new direction she could never have expected. Fighting fear, depression and the realization that she would once again have to start over, Becky shares her journey facing a new beginning discovering that it’s laughter that changes everything.

Meeting passionate people who inspired her, chapters are filled with poignant stories from women and men who have proven that aging does not have to define you and new beginnings are possible. Their stories are powerful and highlight the determination it takes to live your best life and what the passage of time means to how capable we are of embracing change.

Not being financially prepared for retirement has become a national epidemic. Her chapter, Learning to Live After Retirement, features stories from those who were not aware that not planning was just speculating and rolling the dice on what might be. The shock that their savings will not be sufficient to retain the lifestyle they lived before offers a glimpse of a generation not prepared.

Interviewing her husband and other men about retirement and aging highlights the unexpected marital turbulence that finds its way into very personal struggles that no one saw coming.

Finding humor every painful step of the way as she learns how to walk again, A Classic in Clown Shoes is a roller coaster ride of emotions resonating with honesty.

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Becky Kueler National Speaker and Author

About the Author, Becky Kueker

Becky Kueker retired from a 20-year career as a partner in a commercial architectural firm. Leading business development and forming strategic relationships with Fortune 500 companies around the world, she was named a top Woman of Achievement, was honored with a “Star Catchers” Award by the St. Louis County Library and is a recipient of the YWCA President’s Award honor.

Becky Kueler National Speaker and Author

What People Are Saying

Becky is a humorous speaker who uses personal stories and current information to engage the audience with timely information about the ups and downs of retirement and how to prepare for it. She melds the financial issues and the emotional issues in a way that can relate to everyone.
Hiding in My Pajamas by Becky Kueker provokes the reader to think about the kind of life one wants to live, the person one wants to be, and be seen by others after leaving the work world, upon entering a new stage in life – retirement. Her book is a real wake up call to all who need to be proactive and participate in financial planning for their retirement. Most women and men will identify with her fears about self-worth and financial security. This is a must read! Her presentation at the library was compelling and outstanding. She is an amazing national speaker.
Becky is an amazing speaker. Funny, poignant, she had the audience riveted with her personal style and delivery. She comes across as vulnerable, honest and candid as she outlines the ups and downs of her experience. When one opens up in such a personal way, it allows others to feel connected and part of the conversation.
Author & national speaker, Becky Kueker … Awesome—the attendees loved her… she kept them on the edge of their seat! She was a total delight. Becky story is not only interesting, and entertaining, but drives the importance of having an advisor home. I’ve found a place where I can bring in quality prospects for the next one we are going to do in the spring. Having Becky back is a must!
Becky delivered a truly inspiring presentation at our annual conference of 500 investment advisers. She was funny, insightful and really kept the attention of the audience with her use of humor and storytelling. I would recommend her to any organization looking for a heart-warming and motivational speaker who will certainly engage the audience. Becky is a consummate professional and truly added great value to our conference.
My company will be producing another production in December of this year in Indianapolis where Becky will again be the keynote speaker. Already a nationally recognized national speaker throughout the United States, Becky is sought after for her vision, wit and wisdom as she offers a candid look at the emotional costs of retirement. I vetted nearly a dozen speakers during my search for both events and found that Becky was the ideal speaker for the audience, our objectives, and budget.
Becky, I wanted to take an opportunity to formally thank you for delivering such an informative, heart-felt and entertaining presentation to our group of over 100 women. Your enthusiasm is palpable and I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of your presentation! It was obvious to me, that your own personal story, and the compelling message you convey, truly resonated with the ladies. The feedback I have received since the event has been nothing short of outstanding!
Having Becky speak at my 5th Year Business Anniversary event was one of the best things I have done in a long time. My clients absolutely loved her and what she had to share about her retirement was an amazing story. She presents a funny and uniquely, refreshing and candid look at her 30 year journey to a financially and emotionally healthy retirement that connected with the women who attended the event.
I met Becky in Chicago this past July at an event where she was the keynote speaker for a national company. I raced to meet her after the presentation, knowing I had to book her to come to Denver for my business. She came for four days, and our clients and potential clients she spoke to over that period were truly amazed that she was so candid and forth coming with all she had endured, and was willing to share. It is not often that you find a national speaker that has learned to laugh and cry, literally offering a piece of herself to the audience. She is one of a kind and absolutely amazing.
As a national speaker for our Retirement Options, 2017 March Professional Development Webinar all of the reviews for Ms. Kueker’s presentation were above expectations. She gave a very honest and authentic overview of her personal experiences and her emotional journey. To have someone share experiences in such a personal way is very helpful. Everyone also appreciated her sound advice on Money Management.
Ms. Kueker’s presentation was outstanding and so appreciated by our audience. We were absolutely amazed at over 280 people in attendance who came to hear a first time author. This was a first for us! We had only four copies of Hiding in My Pajamas in the St. Louis County Library collection and after her presentation we had over 80 holds for the book.
Becky Kueker

The Back Flap

    Learning to be the person I never really knew after I retired was a process that defies age and inspires courage. Taking that

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